četvrtak, 20. kolovoza 2015.

Vilicom po gostima: Lignje na padelu

Vilicom po gostima će biti, ajmo reći, rubrika u kojoj ćemo gostovati s našim receptima po tuđim kuhinjama. Podnaslov ove rubrike za danas bi mogao biti: I modeli jedu jer nas je ovog puta ugostila inače naša gošća, što ispred objektiva, što ispod kista, draga Valentina i njen momak Željko.

Forking with guest is going to be, let's call it, a column in which we will be guests, along with our recipes in various kitchens. The subtitle of this column today could be: "Models eat, too", as our host was our frequent guest in front of the camera and under the brush, lovely Valentina and her boyfriend Željko.

Upozoreni da ćemo im vjerojatno razvaliti njihovu friško uređenu kuhinju, ipak su nas pozvali i bome nas lijepo ugostili. Valentina nas je iznenadila kolačem od domaćih višanja koji je obogatila sladoledom od vanilije i umakom koji je napravila od istih višanja, meda i malo vode. I ajme što je bilo dobro. Morat ću se ubrzo i sama počet bavit desertima, ovo je bio odličan poticaj.

Warned that we will probably make a mess in their newly decorated kitchen, they invited us anyway and were lovely hosts. Valentina surprised us with a cake from homegrown sour cherries, that was enriched with vanilla ice cream and the sauce made from the same sour cherries, honey and a bit of water. And it was truly delicious. Since I will have to start dabbling in desserts soon as well, this was a great encouragement.

Dakle, dogovorile smo nešto ranije da ćemo za tu prigodu spremiti nešto fino i morsko. Ajde, maknuli smo se od Istre u Dalmaciju i do njihovog tradicionalnog recepta, lignji na padelu. Iliti tavu.

Klasičan tradicionalan recept možete mijenjati po svom ukusu, naravno, no mi smo ipak od tradicije pa smo se držali originalnog recepta, samo smo ga malo podebljali količinski.


0,3 kg lignji
Maslinovo ulje
0,1 l bijelog vina
češnjak, peršin, sol, papar
riblji temeljac
0,5 kg krumpira

Prvo smo stavili kuhati malo ribice koju smo našli za temeljac. Dok se to lagano kuha, treba očistiti lignje.

We have agreed beforehand that for this occasion we will make some yummy seafood. So, we've moved on from Istra to Dalmatia and their traditional recipe, squids on padela. A.k.a. pan.
You can, of course, change the classic recipe as you wish, but we are traditional folks so we stuck to original recipe, just in a bigger amount.

300 g of squid,
Olive oil
100 ml of white wine
Garlic, parsley, salt, pepper
Fish stock
Half a kilo of potatoes

First thing we did was cook the fish we found for the stock. While that was cooking, we needed to clean the squids.

Namjerno sam kupila neočišćene jer eto, nikad nisam čistila lignje. O Bože, kako sam pogriješila. Znači, naporno je i zaista ljigavo. Riječ lignja jer blizu riječi ljigavo. Sad znam i zašto. Kao što to obično biva, od sto junaka glasa čuti nije, tako da su se i moji pomoćnici u kuhinji držali podalje od lignjica i čišćenja. Neka. Morat će svejedno ribat kuhinju kasnije od divnog mirisa. Od sad lignje želim očišćene. I da, jako se veselim čišćenju ribe koje me čeka a koje isto tako nisam iskusila. Bit će zabavno.

I bought the unclean ones on purpose, because I have never actually cleaned them. Oh, God, that was a big mistake. It's a really hard and slimy job. The word squid is close to slimy (in Croatian at least). Now I understand why. As it usually happens, from hundreds of voices none is heard, as all of my helpers in the kitchen kept away from the squids and the cleaning. Fine. They'll have to scrub the kitchen later on to get rid of the wonderful smell. From now on the only squid I want are the cleaned ones. And, yes I'm looking forward to cleaning the fish to, which also awaits me, and I haven't done before either. It's going to be fun.

Nakon dugog i mučnog čišćenja lignji, zarezala sam ih i osušila u papirnatom ručniku. Zagrijala sam maslinovo ulje i stavila lignjice da se prže. Češnjak i peršin sam isjeckala i usipala u padelu iliti tavu.
Dok sam ja to radila, Valentinine vrijedne ručice su gulile prekrasan domaći krumpir friško iskopan u velikogoričkom vrtu.

After a long and torturous cleaning of the squids, I cut along them and dried them on paper towel. I heated the olive oil and put the squids in to fry. I cut up garlic and parsley and put them in padela a.k.a. pan. While I was doing that, Valentina's helpful hands peeled off beautiful home grown potatoes that we freshly dug up from the garden in Velika Gorica.

Nakon češnjaka i peršina, zalila sam to sve bijelim vinom, dodala krumpir narezan na tanje kolutiće i riblji temeljac. Posolila sam i popaprila te poklopila sve da se kuha otprilike 20ak minula do pola sata i na kraju još malo posipala svježim peršinom.

After garlic and parsley, I put in the white wine, added potatoes sliced in thin slices and fish stock. Salted and peppered it, and put a lid on everything so it cooks for 20-30 minutes and when it was done sprinkled some fresh parsley.

I to je, ljudi moji, to. Izuzev čišćenja lignji od kojeg ću imat traume, sve ostalo je išlo poprilično glatko a konačan rezultat više nego zadovoljavajuć. Pojeli smo do dna padele sve i zalili ostacima vina koje se nije skuhalo s lignjama.

And, that's all, folks! Other than cleaning the squids from which I am traumatized, everything else went pretty smoothly, and the final result was more than satisfying. We ate everything 'til the bottom of padela and washed it down with the leftover wine.

Eh da. Dok smo mi fino papali lignje, i pravili se da smo negdje u Dalmaciji uz more, druga polovica ovog projekta, ona iza objektiva, svojim je specijalnim prehrambenim navikama zaslužila malo mesnatiji obrok. Šta reći osim da se za njega izvadilo špekeca, šunkice i sireka, da nam ne ostane gladan. Još nisam našla način kako da ga prisilim da jede hranu iz mora, osim ako slučajno prase ne padne u njega pa ga izvadimo, no dobro. Imam vremena i strpljenja.

Oh, yes. While we were eating squid and pretending that we were somewhere in Dalmatia by the sea, the other half of this project, the one behind the camera, with his special culinary habits earned a bit meatier meal. What can I say, except that for him we got some bacon, ham and cheese, so he won't be hungry. I still haven't found a way to make him eat seafood, unless a pig falls into a sea and we fish it out, but okay. I have the time and the patience.

Za desert nam je ostalo još Valentininog prefinog kolača pa smo se na kraju i zasladili.
Hvala našim divnim domaćinima, bilo nam je preugodno i prezabavno i nadamo se da će se zaredati takva gostovanja po tuđim kuhinjama. Da nam naša ne dosadi. Živjeli!

For the dessert there were still leftover Valentina's cakes, so it got sweeter in the end as well.
Thanks to our lovely hosts, we had a really good and fun times and I hope this continues with our other visits to different kitchens.
So our kitchen doesn't bore us. Cheers! 

Prijevod/translation: Margareta Tilošanec

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